Styria / Vienna / BW Film

The purpose of this post is to share some pictures taken with a Minolta X-300, MD 28mm f/2.8 and Kodak T-Max 100. As Lena so aptly put it: This combination is the ultimate challenge (for me at least). I generally struggle with good composition in non-landscape situations with a wide-angle lens and black and white is not always trivial for me to see, especially in a film camera with no visual feedback until you receive the developed negatives. In fact, many of the pictures were cropped to a roughly 35mm equivalent.

The first batch of pictures was taken on a sunny day trip to Riegersburg (thanks Marta and Cleo for posing!).

The second batch of pictures was taken in Vienna on an overcast day. I think most of these pictures turned out not special, but the good thing is there is room for improvement!

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