Sarah Indoor Portraits

In early 2025, Sarah was so kind to do an indoor portrait shoot with me. Sarah was a fantastic model to work with! After shooting a couple of business portraits (which are not shown here), we moved on to work with the available light to create moody portraits that should convey the atmosphere of winter. For some shots, we used a reflective silver board to light both sides of the face, for other shots we simply used the light coming in through the windows. I brought several cameras (both digital and film) to experiment, so the rest of this post is grouped by camera used.

First up, my Nikon Z6II using a Z50mm/f1.8S. In AF-C mode with eye detection, I believe this camera automatically uses spot metering on the eye it detects, which was very useful for these shots. I then used this light meter reading for the film cameras, because the Sekonic L-308X I had ordered previously had not yet arrived. I played around with different edits, nothing too crazy.

Next up, a Fuji GW690 6×9 medium format film camera loaded with a roll of Kodak Tri-X 400. Due to the lighting situation, I had to push the film two stops to 1600. I was particularly interested in the results of this camera, as I had previously re-calibrated the rangefinder and was shooting at minimum focusing distance wide open.

Similar to the Fuji 6×9, I brought a Fuji GS645S 645 medium format camera loaded with a roll of Kodak Vision 3 500T and pushed it by two stops. Due to a higher maximum aperture, I had to use a shutter speed of 1/60 hand held (with a 60mm lens), which is why unfortunately most of the shots turned out blurry. I really like the color though (and the sprocket holes).

Finally, a Minolta X-700 using an MD35-70mm/f3.5 loaded with a roll of Ilford XP2 400 that I received in a film swap that had previously been exposed with nature motives. Naturally, I didn’t know how the shots had been exposed and as you can see, we also didn’t manage to perfectly overlap the shots, but I still think they turned out interesting. I only shot a couple of pictures of this roll in the portrait shoot, for the rest of the pictures I will create a separate post later.

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