Wedding at Lake Ossiach! The couple couldn’t have planned it better – lots of rain and storms until just before the wedding day, which turned out to be a beautiful spring day. Before the wedding, I went for a little walk and took my Minolta XG-1 (1977) and 45mm f/2 where I had about 5 pictures left on a roll of Kodak Gold 200. The camera has some light leaking issues, as can also be seen in my recent Heidelberg post. The fourth picture shows the staircase that leads up to the church where the wedding ceremony took place.
To the ceremony and the party I brought my Minolta X-500 and 35mm f2.8 loaded with a CineStill 400D. This was my first time shooting this film – I like how it generally reproduces the colours in a neutral way (as opposed to Kodak Gold), but intensifies red, sometimes to the extent that e.g. candle flames look unreal. The location was beautiful, the weather was perfect and the food and drinks were tasty. What more could you have asked for?